Environmental Policy


3R Restoration has established this Environmental Policy to be consistent with the purpose and context of our organisation.  It provides a framework for the setting and review of environmental objectives in addition to our commitment towards the following:

  • Involve our employees in the development and operation of our environmental system, and objectives.

  • Review this Environmental Policy at least annually, or when there are any significant changes either to our operations or to environmental legislation.

  • Conform to applicable legislative, regulatory and compliance obligations.

  • Wholly support and comply with or exceed the requirements of current environmental legislation and codes of practice.

  • Minimise our waste and then reuse or recycle as much of it as possible.

  • Minimise energy and water usage in our buildings, vehicles and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimise our consumption of natural resources, especially where they are non-renewable.

  • Operate and maintain company vehicles (where appropriate) with due regard to environmental issues as far as reasonably practical and encourage the use of alternative means of transport and car sharing as appropriate.

  • Apply the principles of continuous improvement in respect of air, water, noise and light pollution from our premises and reduce any effects from our operations on the environment and local community.

  • As far as possible purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment and encourage others to do the same.

  • Assess the environmental impact of any new processes or products we intend to introduce in advance.

  • Set environmental objectives and publish them in the company’s promotional literature.

We have produced environmental objectives which relate to this policy and they can be found in document ER04 Environmental Objectives.

This policy is available/communicated to all interested parties as well as being made available to the wider community through publication on our Company Noticeboard.