Health and Safety


Health and Safety is taken very seriously at 3R Restoration which has led to all Directors, site managers and operatives being fully trained in safe working practices.

All operatives are made aware of the hazards associated with the materials they are working with, the appropriate PPE to be worn and safety precautions to be followed. Our site managers have full responsibility for health and safety on site. They undertake regular toolbox talks and ensure a safe working area for our team. In addition, our health and safety adviser carries out spot checks on site.

3R Restoration is committed to the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees. All health and safety legal requirements are adhered to; whilst actively reviewing and recording the control arrangements and performance.

Specifically, 3R Restoration is committed to providing and maintaining:

  • A safe place of work with safe means of access and egress.

  • Safe plant, equipment and systems of work.

  • Control of the health & safety risks arising from all work activities.

  • Necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to protect the safety and health at work of all employees and those affected by our works.

  • Arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.

  • Arena considers the health, safety and welfare at work of its employees to be an essential part of being a responsible employer.

  • A safe and healthy working environment.


3R Restoration’s primary Health and Safety objective is to prevent accidents, incidents and occupational ill-health at all company locations.  This policy will be reviewed by the Directors and the Health and Safety Manager on an annual basis or if there is any significant change within the company to ensure it continues to meet all legislative requirements.

Health and Safety will never be comprised for other business objectives.


It is 3R Restoration’s priority that the following are in place at all Company working locations: 

  • Employee access to and an understanding of this policy.

  • Documented responsibilities for Health and Safety at Work.

  • Documented procedures and safe systems of work, where necessary, to establish and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.

  • The provision of all necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

  • Communication and consultation with all employees on Health and Safety issues.

  • Up-to-date risk assessments and fire risk assessments.

  • The provision of clear health and safety information, instruction, supervision and training.

  • Arrangements for emergency response/evacuation, first aid and occupational health.

  • Monitoring, investigation and reporting of any incidents, accidents or occupational ill-health.

  • Corrective and preventative actions where any incidents, accidents or occupational ill-health occur.



“Everyone is responsible for Health and Safety”

 It is the duty of every employee whilst at work, and of any contractors or visitors at company facilities:

  • To take reasonable care for the health & safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

  • To co-operate with the company in regard to any duty or requirement imposed in regard to all health & safety matters.

  • Not to misuse or interfere with anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare.

  • To report any health & safety concerns to their Health and Safety representative, or Site / Project Manager.



  • Are aware of their role in ensuring health and safety to all, through strong and active leadership with visible commitment.

  • Accept formally and publicly, their collective and individual roles in providing health and safety leadership within the company.

  • Understand that all decisions need to reflect its health and safety intentions, as articulated in the Health and Safety Policy Statement, Arrangements and Roles and Responsibilities.

  • Recognise its role in engaging the active participation of workers in improving the health and safety.

  • Make adequate resources available for health and safety management.


Site Management

At all locations where company employees work or to which they report, the management of Health & Safety at Work is the ultimate responsibility of the Manager at that location.  Day-to-day responsibility for the management of Health & Safety should be delegated through the Line Management structure.


Health and Safety Manager

All locations where the company has management control shall have an identified Health and Safety Manager, whose job function includes the co-ordination of health and safety control arrangements at that location.  However, this position does not remove or substitute direct and delegated Health and Safety responsibilities for others as outlined above.