Modern Slavery


3R Restoration have established this anti-slavery and human trafficking policy to demonstrate our commitment to acting ethically and transparently in all business dealings under S54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We recognise our responsibilities under the act within all areas of our business. The company are fundamentally opposed to slavery, forced labour, exploitative practises and human trafficking.

We require all subcontractors and suppliers to uphold the same high standards therefore 3R Restoration will terminate business relations with any subcontractors and suppliers who are in breach of these obligations. This policy applies to all individuals working for the company or on the company’s behalf including Directors, employees and sub-contractors.


The company Directors have overall responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with the companies legal and ethical obligations. Thus, will monitor its use and effectiveness as well as investigate allegations of modern slavery within the company.


All those working for the company or under the company’s control are responsible in the prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery, so are required to avoid any activity which breaches this policy. If you suspect a violation of this policy has or may occur, you must notify the company Directors. 


Training will be provided to employees, as seen necessary, to support with the identification of modern slavery and how to report suspicions of violations of the policy.

Breach of Policy

Any employees who fails to comply with this policy will face disciplinary action, up to and including summary dismissal for gross misconduct. 3R Restoration may terminate commercial relationships with suppliers and sub-contractors if they fail to comply with this policy.